Date for the Intro Seminar!

Mark your calendar for:

October 10th, 2020

9:00am - 6:00pm.

This seminar does not require any preliminary coursework - we want you to come as you are. The day will first provide you with pertinent information to guide you in starting or revamping your program; then, help you learn how to train and handle your horse in a positive and safe way. When you arrive Saturday morning, you will receive our Handler Student Guide. This guide is over 100 pages filled with everything you need to know. From training yourself and your horse, to setting up a program, and even helpful tips for creating a nonprofit. After lunch, we will “hand you the reins” and set you up with one of our experienced handlers to coach you. Saturday afternoon we will visit our local downtown area, Hamilton, and work with you to see how to train, how to correct, and help you develop your own unique way of handling. Dress comfortably. You will be working with horses, dress appropriately. You do NOT need to bring your own horse for any part of the seminar. All the horses we use in demonstrations will be provided by Seven Oaks Farm.


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